Tiansi Hu


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Ph.D Candidate

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Northeastern University

360 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Email: tiansi AT ece.neu.edu

Lead Design Engineer

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

3393 Octavius Drive

Santa Clara, CA 95054


Advisor: Prof. Yunsi Fei


  • Energy efficiency design for wireless sensor networks
  • Protocols in underwater sensor networks
  • Delay tolerant networks


  • T. Hu and Y. Fei, "An adaptive routing protocol based on connectivity prediction for underwater disruption tolerant networks," IEEE Global Communications Conf. (GlobeCom), Dec. 2013.
  • T. Hu and Y. Fei, "DSH-MAC: Medium Access Control Based on Decoupled and Suppressed Handshaking for Long-delay Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks," IEEE Conf. on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Oct. 2013.
  • T. Hu and Y. Fei, “MURAO: A multi-level routing protocol for acoustic-optical hybrid underwater wireless sensor networks,” Proc. IEEE Communications Society Conf. on Sensor, Mesh, and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), June, 2012.
  • H. Lin, T. Hu, and Y. Fei, “Utilizing custom registers in application-specific instruciton set processors for register spill elimination,” ACM Trans. on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, vol. 17, no.4, Oct. 2012.
  • T. Hu and Y. Fei, “An adaptive and energy-efficient routing protocol based on machine learning for underwater delay tolerant networks,” ACM/IEEE Int. Symp. on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer & Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), Aug. 2010.
  • T. Hu and Y. Fei, “QELAR: A machine-learning-based adaptive routing protocol for energy efficient and lifetime-extended underwater sensor networks,” IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 6, June 2010.
  • P. Xie, Z. Zhou, Z. Peng, H. Yan, T. Hu, J.-H. Cui, Z. Shi, Y. Fei, and S. Zhou, Aqua-Sim: An NS-2 Based Simulator for Underwater Sensor Networks, IEEE/MTS Oceans 2009, Biloxi, Mississippi, Oct 2009.
  • T. Hu and Y. Fei, “QELAR - A Q-learning-based energy-efficient and lifetime-aware routing protocol for underwater sensor networks,” in IEEE Int. Performance Computing & Communications Conf., Dec. 2008.
  • T. Hu, X. Zheng, and Y. Sun, “Design and Implementation of Multimedia Communication Terminal,” Intel Cup Embedded System Design Invitational Contest, Jul, 2006

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