Template:Lab News


Revision as of 16:53, 19 June 2013 by Yunsi (Talk | contribs)
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06.17.2013:We just received an NSF award, "TWC: Medium: Collaborative: A Unified Statistics-Based Framework for Side-Channel Attack Analysis and Security Evaluation of Cryptosystems." It is a collaborative project under Prof. Fei (PI), Prof. A. Adam Ding of NU Department of Mathematics, and Prof. Thomas Eisenbarth of WPI ECE. NU is the leading institute.
05.15.2013:Our paper, "Micro-architectural support for metadata coherence in multi-core dynamic information flow tracking," has been accepted for presentation at the Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP) in conjunction with ISCA 2013 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Juan Carlos is going to present it.
06.07.2012: Our paper, "Decentralized scheduling of PEV on-street parking and charging for smart grid reactive power compensation," has been presented by Bingnan at Proc. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), Feb. 2013.
06.07.2012:Our paper, "Static secure page allocation for light-weight dynamic information flow tracking," has been accepted by CASES (Int. Conf on Compilers, Architecture & Synthesis for Embedded Systems) 2012 to be held in Finland, Oct. 2012. Congratulations! Juan Carlos. Good hacking of GCC!
05.15.2012:Our paper, "A statistical model for DPA with novel algorithmic confusion analysis," has been accepted by CHES (Int. Wksp on cryptographic hardware and embedded systems) 2012 to be held in Belgium, Sept. 2012. This is a collaborative work between our lab and NU Department of Mathematics!
03.19.2012:Our paper "MURAO: A multi-level routing protocol for acoustic-optical hybrid underwater wireless sensor networks" has been accepted to appear in SECON (IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh, and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks) to be held in Seoul, Korea, June 2012. Congratulations! Tiansi.
01.09.2012:Our group homepage has found a new home at NU: http://nueess.coe.neu.edu.
01.01.2012:The postdoc fellow, Qiasi Luo, has taken a hardware engineering position in Marvell Semiconductors in CA. Good luck Qiasi!
12.19.2011:Two new members, Yu Han and Jian Lao, have joined NUEESS from UCSC/PKU. The two positions for the Spring 2012 have been filled. Welcome Yu and Jian!
09.06.2011:Prof. Fei's research lab has officially moved to Northeastern University in Boston.
08.12.2011:RA positions are available for Spring 2012!
08.12.2011:Lab will move to Northeastern University.
05.05.2011:Xuan Guan and Hai Lin have graduated from University of Connecticut. Congratulations! Drs. Guan and Lin.

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