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PostDoc Fellows

  • Dr. Qiasi Luo PhD: University of Science and Technology of China, BS: University of Science and Technology of China, China


  • Juan Carlos Martinez Santos (PhD candidate) MSc: Universidad Industrial de Santander, BS: Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia
  • Tiansi Hu (PhD candidate) BS: Peking University, China
  • Bingnan Jiang (PhD candidate) MS: BeiHang University, BS: BeiHang University, China


  • Hai Lin, PhD, May 2011 (current job – Panève LLC, MA)
    • Dissertation title: Multi-objective application-specific instruction set processor design: Towards high performance, energy-efficient, and secure embedded systems
    • MS: Tsinghua University, BS: Tsinghua University, China
  • Xuan Guan, PhD, May 2011 (current job – Freescale, TX)
    • Dissertation title: Application-specific instruction set processor design for data-intensive applications
    • MS: Chinese Academy of Science, BS: Beijing Institute of Technology, China
  • Chulwoo Park (PhD candidate 2006-2007, now in UConn)
  • Claude J. Manville (BS'2010, now PhD candidate in UConn)
  • Jeff Wroten (BS'2006, REU advisee, first job: Harris Corporation, Maryland)
  • Kolawole Ladoja (BS'2007, REU advisee REU program)

Research Projects

Adaptive and Efficient Networking for Underwater Sensor Networks

  1. QELAR A Q-Learning-based Energy-efficient and Lifetime-aware Routing Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks

Architectural support for security enhancement

Smart Grid, Micro Grid and Renewable Enegy

  1. Dynamic Residential Demand Response and Distributed Generation Management in Smart Microgrid with Hierarchical Agents




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